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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I Read This Week

This week has been so hard on me.Firstly,I got sick and thus I had a difficulty keeping up with my h/w and I didn't have much free time to read or post anything.Nevertheless,here's what I read so far..

The book I Loved:


By Jasinda Wilder

My Rating: 5 Stars

Favourite Quote:
"A man who takes a woman to dinner first, takes her to drink, tells her she is beautiful, pays her father to arrange a marriage to her… this is paying for sex. It is cloaked in custom and tradition, but the result – sexual domination of the man over the woman – is still prostitution.I am not willing in this. I did not choose this life. I do what I must to survive. It is this, or starve.”
My Opinion:
This book tells the story of a girl who has lost everything because of war.She has has nothing and no one to take care of her.The only thing she can do in order to survive is sell her body.
This book opened my eyes and forced me to see what war does to people.It made me realise that when you have nothing you do whatever you can to saty alive.You take decisions you wouldn't otherwise take,you resort to actions you wouldn't otherwise do.It is such an emotional book.I want to say more but I don't want to spoil anything.It's a book worth-reading.

Blurb: Click here.


The previous week I discover two series Fast Track series and Bloodrunners series.So,I begun reading the books,which of cource I haven't finished reading yet but I definitely will.

Bloodrunners series:
Last Wolf Standing (Bloodrunners #1)

By Rhyannon Byrd

My Rating: 4 Stars

Favourite Quote-Scene:
“With an utterly foreign sense of desperation, he did something that he’d never, in all his thirty-three years, thought he would do. He tripped her.”
My Opinion:
I laughed so hard at this particular scene.It was so hilarious seeing a confident,grown up man resorting to such actions.I really enjoyed reading it.It was fast paced,had many ups and downs,a tortured and very stubborn hero.It's a well written book and I absolutely recommend it.
Blurb: Click here.

Last Wolf Hunting (Bloodrunners #2) By Rhyannon Byrd
My Rating 3 Stars
My Opinion:
It's the second book in the series.I didn't quite like it.The main characters were so stubborn and pigheaded.They could have been mates all along but there was no trust between them and they didn't discuss their "problems".I also believe that the end was a little "overstretched".

I'm currently reading book 3 & 4.

Fast Track series

Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track #1)

By Erin McCarthy

My Rating: 4 Stars

Favourite Quote:
“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit..." Suzanne”
My Opinion:
This is a wonderful book about a woman moving on after her husband has died.I found Elec so sweet and understanding and there was a scene where Tamara's children were sick and he went to help her take care of them.It's was epic...(sigh).Definitely recommend to those who love contemporary romance...

Blurb: Click here.

Hard and Fast (Fast Track #2)

By Erin McCarthy

My Rating: 2 Stars

Favourite Quote:
“Me? I'm being ridiculous? You're the one flirting for your thesis. What the hell kind of degree is that anyway? A doctorate of dick tease?”
My Opinion:
This book was so ridiculous!!!I felt that Imogen,the heroine,was just repeating everything that was said with more complex vocabulary.She was such a show off and very naive.Ty on the other hand, was honest about himself and did everything to make her happy.He was so adorable....
Blurb: Click here.
Hot Finish (Fast Track #3)

By Erin McCarthy

My Rating: 4 Stars

Favourite Quote:
“And everyone is always saying that marriage is really hard and takes a lot of work. But the thing is, when you know that you love someone, those things don’t matter. You have to push all the everyday things and the outside world away, and just enjoy knowing that this is the man who has the chest your head is meant to lie on.”
My Opinion:
This was such a great book.It was funny,it had a nice flow and I really liked all this getting-back-my-soon-to-be ex-wife.Cause although they both thought that they were devorced the truth was that they were still married.So when they found out the truth Ryder "convinces" Suzanne to give their marriage a chance.Dedinitely recommended...
Blurb: Click here.

That's all for now.My next post will be about Books I'm Planning To Read.

Monday, January 21, 2013


This post is about the Books I Read This Week.

As always,firts come 

Books I Loved :

This week I read an amazing series called The Bellum Sisters .The series has only four books so I managed to read all of them.I actually found the books interesting and I always love reading about vampires,werewolves,demons and succubus.Chains of Frost is the first book in the series and it was a nice and enlightening introduction to the series.It's the story of the first sister which is given to a vampire leader by her father.Bonds of Fire is the second book,telling the story of the second sister which is to be mated to an Alpha werewolf and Ties That Bind is the third book,telling the story of the youngest sister.I actually loved both the third and the fourth book ,The Fallen King .

My Rating:
Chains of Frost  4 Stars
Bonds of Fire    2 Stars-Yeah,I didn't quite like it.
Ties That Bind   5 Stars
The Fallen King 5 Stars-Definitely recommended!!!!

Some other books I read and loved,are:

Brother's Keeper  4 Satrs
by Elizabeth Finn    
Skin Deep (I-Team #5.5) 4 Stars
by Pamela Clare 

Books I Liked:

Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)     3 Stars-Recommend to those who are familiar with the series.
by J.D. Tyler    

In Bed with a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #1)  3 Stars

Never Love a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #3)  3 Stars
by Maya Banks

That's all for now!!!!I'm planning though to make a review for Brother's Keeper cause this book was just W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Books & More Books

This week I read 5 books and because I'm very busy lately,I have decided to update my blog only twice a week.So,here are the books I read:

First and foremost

Books I loved-liked:

Ascension (Shadow and Light Trilogy #1)

My Rating: 5 Stars
My Opinion:

It's the first time I read something like this.I really liked it! Lealandra,the heroine, is a witch close to reach the peak of her powers. But with her counter-balance dead and someone trying to kill her she goes back to her ex-boyfriend to ask for help.Taig,the hero,hasn't forgotten her or gotten over her.He still has feelings for her and so he agrees to help her.
As they try to find who is after Lealandra their feelings intensify and they both aknowledge that ending their relationship had been a mistake.So,Taig helps Lea find the man who is trying to kill her but will he be able to help her survive the ascension or will her powers take over???
It's a worth-reading book and I definitely recommend it!!!
Blurb:go  here .

Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy #2)

My Rating: 5 Satrs
My Opinion:
Oh My God!!!This book was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.I loved both characters. Keeley was a strong independent woman that though she had nothing and no one to help her survive she managed to take care after herself after a tragic incident occured to her.When Alaric starts the trip to go meet the woman that he's supposed to marry,he's ambushed and heavily injured.He's saved by Keeley when his brothers tfind him in her home and take them both to their keep.there they come closer and a bond is formed between them.But they both know that their realationship can't last long as Alaric is soon to be married to another woman.

I really loved this book.It's full of emotions and I couldn't stop crying as the end neared.A very emotional scene was when they had to say goodbuy to each other and Keeley had to see as the man she loved and her ex-best friend got married.I can't say how much I recommend this book.
PS: To those who are planning to read it here's an advice "Have a fresh box of tissues at hand"
Blurb:go here .

Raphael/Parish (Bayou Heat #1-2)

My Rating: 4 Stars
My Opinion:
RAPHAEL by Alexandra Ivy
I liked this book but I felt that it ended very quickly.The story was too short and I hadn't had time to "connect" with the characters.Despite that,it was a nice introduction to this series.
PARISH by Laura Wright
I could say that this book was much better than the first one.I could really feel Parish torment and his feelings about Julia.I liked that they had chemistry and that they both tried to make each other happy.I just loved this couple.Especially a scene in Parish's cave.Yeah he had a cave!!!!
I can't wait to read the next book in the series!!!!!Definitely recommend it.
Blurb: go here.

Miami, Mistletoe & Murder (Red Stone Security #4)
My Rating:4 Stars
My Opinion:
It was a nice addition to the Red Stone Security series.The main characters were very sweet and caring and protective.It was a quick read but it had everything.A nice flow,solid characters,little danger and much love!I tottaly recommend it and you do not have to read the previous books in order to read this....
Blurb: go here.

Books I didn't like-hated:

Enforcer's Redemption (Redwood Pack #4)

By Carrie Ann Ryan

My Rating: 2 Stars
My Opinion:
The hero was like a brat.I understand that he lost the most precious thing he ever had but fate gave him a second chance and he was like"I don't want her I want Anna".What the heck???It's better to have something than have nothing.He got a second chance and he really ruined it.I have seen children behaving better than him!!!And he was so mean...What I mean is that he left the heroine pregnant and throughout the book he was like he had no responsibility.GROW UP....She didn't get pregnant alone you stupid a******!!!!
Blurb:go here.

That's all for now!!!I hope you take my opinion into consideration.I'll see you again next week with more books!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Red Stone Security Series By Katie Reus

A big Thank you to Cynthia Eden because if it weren't for her,I wouldn't know who this author is.Since "discovering" this author I have managed to read Red Stone Security series.I really loved the books.I like her style of writing and the mistery her books hold.I have to admit,though,that the first book I read by Katie Reus was Fatal Deception.That's because I found the plot very intriguing and at the time I had no idea if I would like the author and her books.Turns out I did.
I also plan on reading other books writing by her.The reason why I'm telling you all this is,is because many of my friends who enjoy reading similar books,didn't even now the author.So,people who like romantic suspense and contemporary romance should definitely check these books out.

No One to Trust (Red Stone Security #1)

By Katie Reus

Computer security specialist Elizabeth Martinez has never been able to turn her back on her brother Benny. When his risky lifestyle finally lands him in harm’s way, Elizabeth finds herself dragged into the dangerous underworld with him and into the cross hairs of one of Miami’s death-dealing drug lords. Only after her ex-boyfriend saves her does she realize she might have no choice but to depend on the one man she has tried so desperately to forget.

Former Marine Porter Caldwell never should have let Elizabeth walk away from him all those months ago. She means more to him than anything and now that she’s in danger and turned to him for help, he won’t make that mistake again. When a local gang targets her and she’s nearly killed in a drive by shooting, Porter vows to do whatever it takes to keep her alive. Even if it means turning his back on all that he’s sworn to uphold.

Danger Next Door (Red Stone Security #2)

By Katie Reus

After an explosion leaves detective Grant Caldwell scarred he quits his job and tries to hide from his well-meaning family while he heals. When Belle Manikas, a beautiful new neighbor, moves in next door with problems of her own he finds himself drawn to her even while he tells himself she’s nothing but trouble. Even though he knows he’d never have a chance with a woman like her—not with his disfigurement—he can’t stay away.

Thanks to severe health problems as a child Belle grew up sheltered and smothered by her loving, if overbearing, family. Now that she’s finally out on her own she plans to wring everything she can out of life. When she sets her sights on her brooding neighbor nothing can stop her from getting him into bed—until a madman fixates on her.

With Grant now working for Red Stone Security, he sees it as his duty to protect her at all costs. Unfortunately a violent criminal is stalking Belle and will stop at nothing until he’s destroyed her.

Fatal Deception (Red Stone Security #3)

By Katie Reus

Mara Caldwell is a woman with a dark past. She made a clean break from her old life, never imagining her secrets could come back to haunt her. When an old enemy surfaces and threatens the world she’s created for herself Mara is prepared to give up everything, including the husband she loves if it will keep him safe.

Harrison knew his wife had secrets when he married her, but when he discovers the truth, it’s far worse than he imagined. He's determined to protect her from a deadly enemy who wants to destroy her, but her lack of faith in him infuriates and wounds him. They must work together to keep her safe, but the man they're up against seeks to destroy everything they've built together. Including their lives.

Miami, Mistletoe & Murder (Red Stone Security #4)

By Katie Reus

Fierce and sexy, former Marine Travis Sanchez has always held himself back from the rest of the world, using his tattoos and piercings as armor. But when the woman he’s wanted for months is threatened, he knows it's time to strip away the bad boy image and show her just how much he wants to be with her. As one of Red Stone Security’s best contractors, Travis is trained for almost any situation. But nothing prepares him for the most dangerous threat of all: the one to his heart.

Kind-hearted Noel Baskov’s only wish for the holidays is that her Miami coffee shop has a successful Christmas season. But her focus on work is interrupted when the family of the young girl she mentors is threatened, and the man she’s been lusting after for months steps in to handle it. Unfortunately the danger is far from over. Can this sexy and mysterious warrior protect Noel, or will he be the one to shatter her heart?

His to Protect (Red Stone Security #5)

By Katie Reus

No woman ever affected Red Stone Security expert Kell Malone quite like Charlotte Bastien. It’s been a year since that incredibly intense night they spent together and he still can’t get her out of his head. When he discovers she’s in Miami—with their three-month-old son—he’s stunned. Hurt. He’s also determined to know his child, and if she’ll give him the chance, to make a life with the stubborn woman who has sworn off love.

Single mom Charlotte came to Miami to tell Kell about their son, and that’s all—she won’t open her heart just to have it trashed by another man. Unfortunately, Kell makes that hard. He’s everything she wants, and just one look from him unleashes wicked memories and wild desires. When she witnesses a murder and lands on a hit list, Kell steps up to protect her and their son, but winning her love proves to be the hardest mission he’s ever undertaken.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Must Visit!

So excited...

I just found out this amazing Opal  giveaway.Check it out here .

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!!!


Hi everyone!!!

Recently I've been very busy studying for school that I didn't have the time to write on my blog.But here I'm now.Here are the books that I read the past two weeks:

Books I Loved-Liked:

Last Kiss Goodnight (Otherworld Assassin #1)
By Gena Showalter

My Rating: 5 Stars

My Opinion:

I loved this book as I love every book writen by Gena Showalter.I would also like to tell you that I intent to write a review for Last Kiss Goodnight.


Black ops agent Solomon Judah awakens caged and bound in a twisted zoo where otherworlders are the main attraction. Vika Lukas, the owner’s daughter, is tasked with Solo’s care and feeding. The monster inside him yearns to kill her on sight, even though she holds the key to his escape. But the human side of him realizes the beautiful deaf girl is more than she seems—she’s his.


Vika endures the captives’ taunts and loathing, hoping to keep them alive even if she can’t free them. Only, Solo is different—he protects her. But as hostility turns to forbidden romance, his feelings for her will be used against him…and he’ll be put to a killer test.

Shadow (New Species #9)
By Laurann Dohner

My Rating: 4 Stars
My Opinion:

I've been waiting so long to read it and I finally did.I really liked it although I would have liked it to be a little longer.Recommended to those who are familiar with the series.Here's a taste:

Beauty resents being labeled Gift Species. Everyone is way too overprotective, males aren’t even allowed to speak to her and so far true freedom eludes her. Then a big, sexy Species officer mistakes her for the enemy and takes her to the ground.

Shadow is dumbfounded. He has a Gift pinned under him—a big no-no. But Beauty is fascinated and wants to know Shadow a lot better. She is full of newly discovered, unrequited passion and he’s just what she needs to satisfy her curiosity.

For Shadow, sex means pain and revulsion. For Beauty, it was enslavement and ridicule. Two lonely souls who have never known a lover’s touch, together in a cabin in the woods. Each touch, every discovery brings them closer to a life they never thought possible…beyond even their dreams.

Books that I didn't like-Hated:

Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three #1)
By Kristen Ashley 

My Rating: 2 Stars

My Opinion:

Ok.I didn't like it.I found it medieval.The characters were either arrogant or behaving like children,especially the heroine.The hero,though,I hated.They were both horrible.I'm impressed that I managed to finish the book....

Leah Buchanan’s family has been in service to vampires for five centuries. Even so, Leah wants nothing to do with her family’s legacy but when she’s summoned to her Selection by the Vampire Dominion, under familial pressure, she has no choice but to go.

Lucien has been living under the strict edicts of the Vampire Dominion for centuries but he’s tired of these ancient laws stripping away everything that is the essence of the vampire.
So he’s taking it back.

And this is because Lucien has also been watching and waiting for decades for Leah to become available for a Selection and he will not be limited with what he can do with her. He will have her, all of her.

Therefore, Lucien is going to tame Leah, even if he gets hunted and killed for doing it.

What neither Leah nor Lucien expects is the strong bond that will form between them, connecting them on unprecedented levels for mortals or immortals. And what will grow between them means they will challenge their ways of life and their union will begin the Prophesies which makes them one of three couples who will save humanity… or die in the effort

Breaking Sin (Sin #1)
By Teresa Mummert (Goodreads Author)

My Rating: 1 Star

My Opinion:

I have read this book again and it was called Beautiful Disaster!!!So,if you too have read the latter,don't bother reading Breaking Sin.

Sinthia wants to escape college unscathed and move on with her plans for a perfect life, but an unlikely friendship with Collin, the resident bad-boy, makes her rethink what she wants.

That's all for now.My next post will be about Last Kiss Goodnight.
Until then,