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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Life of a Blogger #1: Quirks

Welcome to Life of a Blogger, a weekly meme hosted by Jessi @ Novel Heartbeats! This is where you get the chance to know the blogger behind the blog, aka: What we do when we’re not blogging! Every week there will be a new topic; mainly non-bookish, where I’ll share a little bit of life with you guys..

This week's topic is quirks!

I don't actually have many quirks so my list is going to be short!

1. I hate dirt. Like really HATE it! I can't even read in my bedroom when I think that something may be dirty.
2. I can't stand the smell of fish. They smell so awful!
3. But I do like color on my plate. Well except from purple (hate it)!
4. I hate it when my book series cover's don't match! I blame publishers for that. Really bugs me!
5. I loathe really loud noises! I don't hate noises in particular, just the really loud ones! Do you know what I mean???

So, what are your quirks?


  1. I am with you on the whole book covers not matching. It bothers me so much. I just bought a hardcover of Anna and the French Kiss, and I know that if I end up liking it, I will never get matching covers for Isla.

  2. I also hate it when series change covers partway through. Like, why would you do that?!?!?

  3. I can't stand the smell of fish either ! Imagine having to work in a fish shop, ugh !! XD

  4. Lol, I hate fish too! Which is unfortunate, because my fiancé is a seafood manager. XD
