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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine and is where we can talk about books we are looking forward to being released.

Book Title: Opposition
Author: Lux #5
Series: Jennifer L. Armentrout

Expected publication: August 5th 2014

Katy knows the world changed the night the Luxen came.

She can't believe Daemon welcomed his race or stood by as his kind threatened to obliterate every last human and hybrid on Earth. But the lines between good and bad have blurred, and love has become an emotion that could destroy her—could destroy them all.

Daemon will do anything to save those he loves, even if it means betrayal.

They must team with an unlikely enemy if there is any chance of surviving the invasion. But when it quickly becomes impossible to tell friend from foe, and the world is crumbling around them, they may lose everything— even what they cherish most—to ensure the survival of their friends…and mankind.

War has come to Earth. And no matter the outcome, the future will never be the same for those left standing.

What book are you waiting for on Wednesday ?


  1. This is a hot one today. Like the cover and blurb. Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Wednesday!

    Shane @ Itching for Books

  2. I have some catching up to do, only read the first, but it wasn't my favourite, I enjoyed it, but yeah.
    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  3. Can't wait! Only a couple of days left :D I hate when a series ends, but I cannot wait to see what happens either.

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  4. I absolutely love the cover. I still need to catch up in the series before I start reading this one, I hope you enjoy it when it comes out :)
    Here's my W.O.W.

  5. Nice pick! I can't wait for this one too! I love Jennifer's Covenant series, so I finally read Lux this year and of course I loved it. I'm excited to see how it ends!
    Ariel @ Bookish Confessioins

  6. This is such a great series! I can't wait for it either, thanks for sharing!

    Nemo @ Blame it on the Book
