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Thursday, August 7, 2014

LIFE OF A BLOGGER #3 Best childhood memory

Welcome to Life of a Blogger, a weekly meme hosted by Jessi @ Novel Heartbeats! This is where you get the chance to know the blogger behind the blog, aka: What we do when we’re not blogging! Every week there will be a new topic; mainly non-bookish, where I’ll share a little bit of life with you guys..

This week's topic is best childhood memory!

One of my best childhood memories, is one I have of my sister and I when we lived in our old house. Back then we had a a yard and an inflatable pool. At the summer we would just spend all day playing in the pool, running around, yelling and doing what children do best! There're such amazing years, I really miss them...

What's your best childhood memory???


  1. I love that. I remember my parents had a pool for us in the yard and we did a whirlpool in it and it collapsed while we were swimming in it. It was like a tidal wave that rode us to the end of the yard!

    Great Memory, thanks for sharing :)

  2. :) I miss a lot of the things I used to do with my friends when I was a kid. But, luckily, I still have those friends, so I can pretend we're still playing make-believe.

  3. I always wanted a pool! Sounds like a great time, thanks for sharing :)
