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Monday, February 1, 2016

Review: Mercury Striking (The Scorpius Syndrome #1) by Rebecca Zanetti

Title: Mercury Striking
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Series: The Scorpius Syndrome #1

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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With nothing but rumors to lead her, Lynn Harmony has trekked across a nightmare landscape to find one man—a mysterious, damaged legend who protects the weak and leads the strong. He’s more than muscle and firepower—and in post-plague L.A., he’s her only hope. As the one woman who could cure the disease, Lynn is the single most volatile—and vulnerable—creature in this new and ruthless world. But face to face with Jax Mercury…
Danger has never looked quite so delicious…

Beyond A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Freaking MIND BLOWING!!!!

A completely new mind blowing series by Rebecca Zanetti! Zanetti has become one of my must-read authors. Her books are super awesome and it’s getting harder and harder to choose a favorite.

Although Mercury Striking is the first book in the Scorpius Syndrome series, there is a prequel novella, Scorpius Rising, that I’d definitely recommend reading before this one. I’m one of those readers who always read series in their order and I wasn’t disappointed. I loved Scorpius Rising as much as I loved Mercury Striking. However, you do not have to read the prequel if you don’t want to. The author does a pretty good job explaining everything in this book as well.

Lynne Harmony, ex director of the Infectious diseases division of the CDC, lives in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. After a bacteria wipes out most of the population, the survivors have no idea who to trust. Those who survive the virus are either been turned into Rippers, pure murderers, or recover with enhanced abilities. Lynne worked around the clock to develop a cure and though she has made some progress she didn’t manage to find one. Unfortunately, along the way she got infected but survived and she’s now on the run. She is still searching for a cure and in particular for a scientific facility that may contain information about the cure. Her search leads her to Los Angeles and straight into Jax Mercury’s region.

Jax Mercury’s life has been hard. Growing up on the streets may have been tough but it shaped Jax and helped him become a soldier in the Special Forces. Jax didn’t ask for his role as a leader of the survivors’ camp in the heart of LA but he will do anything to protect his people. With their supplies running out and no cure, Jaz struggles to find hope for his people. Until Lynne surrenders herself to him. Jax knows that she’s being hunted and it’s not safe to trust her with his people but if there is anyone who can find a cure that’s Lynne and he will do anything to get his hands on that cure.

Mercury striking was a mind blowing book. I don’t how Zanetti always manages to combine the amazing action, the suspense and the romance so well. It worked so great here. Lynne and Jax’s attraction is there from their first encounter. They have been alone for so long and being together that being together make them feel alive again. Jax and Lynne’s journey to find a cure is filled with the violence that comes with living in a post-apocalyptic world, betrayals and loss. Living in a world where you are forced to kill or be killed isn’t easy, especially when you have a whole bunch of people to protect. I loved that Jax doesn’t pretend to be a hero! He’s doing his best to fight and protect his people but there are only so much a person can do.

This was an incredible book. Zanetti has created a realistic post-apocalyptic world with equally realistic characters who struggle to make everything work and I really liked that. Life is hard and unfair and you can either choose to accept that or do something about it. Jax chooses the latter (total badass!!!)!

I really can’t wait to read Raze’s book! He was an enigma and the end didn’t really help. I have so many questions about him and I’m really looking forward for some answers!

*ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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