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Thursday, July 31, 2014

LIFE OF A BLOGGER #2 : Favorite outings

Welcome to Life of a Blogger, a weekly meme hosted by Jessi @ Novel Heartbeats! This is where you get the chance to know the blogger behind the blog, aka: What we do when we’re not blogging! Every week there will be a new topic; mainly non-bookish, where I’ll share a little bit of life with you guys..

This week's topic is Favorite outings:

1. Walking along the beach (I do this almost every day)
2. Going to the movies
3.Book events (signings)
4. Book shopping
5. Going out with my friends (who ironic as it may be, hate books)

I know that my list isn't that big but since I love reading my free time is limited and I wouldn't have it any other way..

What are your Favorite outings??

1 comment:

  1. Yay for book events and book shopping! I loooove the beach, I wish we had a real one close by so I could go more often :(
