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Friday, August 1, 2014

Review: Hunt the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #11) by Alexandra Ivy

Book Title: Hunt the Darkness
Author: Alexandra Ivy
Series:  Guardians of Eternity #11

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

The vampire, Roke, is raw, sensual, always in control. Yet somehow he's allowed the unthinkable to happen: a nymph-like witch named Sally has used her magic to trick Roke into mating with her. The pair will remain bound for eternity unless Sally breaks the spell. The trouble is, she has no idea how. . .

Mating with Roke was an accident; at least that's what Sally keeps telling herself. She's on the hunt for her demon father, whose identity holds the key to releasing the spell. The search won't be easy with Roke shadowing Sally's every move. As they mate with a ferocity that leaves them both aching for more, Sally isn't sure if her world is more dangerous without Roke—or with him. . .

The day I can’t protect what’s mine, I’ll hang up my fangs  -Roke

Hunt the darkness is the eleventh book in the Guardians of eternity series by Alexandra Ivy. This book tells the story of Roke, a vampire clan chief and Sally, a powerful witch.

Mating with Roke was an accident! Or so they both think. After destroying the Dark lord, Sally accidentally triggered the mating between Roke and herself. The only way to releasing the spell, is to find her father. A task very difficult considering that her mother never revealed to her his identity. The search becomes even more difficult when Roke decides to join the hunt...

Roke never wanted a mate like Sally impulsive, stubborn and trouble maker. He's trying to fight his instincts and stay away from her but it's not as easy as he thought. He may not have wanted a mate but he got one. But for how long? I really loved Roke, he was so different from the other males in the series and that really drew me to him. He was determined, strong-willed, protective, territorial, loyal but most of all he was against the mating. He's the first male in the series who's so against the mating and he's not shy to admit it. He believes that the sooner they find Sally's father the better. But after joining the hunt he begins to doubt his choice. Fake or not, though, the mating feels very real..

Sally's life hasn't been easy but neither was Roke's. They both had to go through a lot and they both survived. She never expected to be mated to a vampire, especially someone like Roke, but now she has to find a way to undo it! As their journey begins, they uncover secrets that threat to rip them apart. Sally isn't sure if her life is more dangerous without Roke—or with him. . .

I loved, loved this book. The world Alexandra has created is bound to captivate you! It gripped my attention from page one till the very end. It left me wanting more. Sally was such an incredible lead female while Roke did what vampire alphas do best, he was just AMAZING! The chemistry between them was already visible from the previous book in the series but here they "combusted".

What I also loved about the book was the secondary characters. Levet, of course, was a huge part of the book. The "savior" of the world comes again to "save" the situation. A charmer for the ladies but a nuisance for the alpha vampires, Levet was literaly an intergal part of the book. We also get to meet, the clan chief of Ireland, Cyn and Sally's family. I was beyond fascinated with Cyn and his many talents!!! I hope the next book will be about him and Fallon, Sally's engaged sister...

Filled with action, suspense, romance, drama, humor and a loveable gargoyle, Hunt the darkness will definitely captivate you!

Highly recommeded!!!

Note : This book is part of a series and it can't be read as a stand alone. If you do decide to read it before reading the other books in the series please keep in mind that some parts will definitely confuse you! 

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