Review: Under the Moon by Rose J. Bell

Posted on Monday, February 24, 2014 2:07 PM
Under the Moon

by Rose J. Bell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fav Quote:

"When I'm alone bad memories catch up to me. But when I'm near you, it feels like you protect me from the bad memories"

Under the moon is the first book I read by Rose J. Bell and I can say that it won't be the last.

Selena is a wonderfull girl who endures a horrible accident. After losing someone she loved more than anything she lives with the memories. And as if the memories weren't bad enough she has to witness her loss every day just by looking in the mirror and the scars left by the accident.

Selena blames herself for the accident and feels she doesn't deserve to be happy. After the accident she has to care for her mother and brother by working the night shift. She has no life left or so she thinks...

When Selena meets Keenan, she feels that she doesn't deserve to be happy with anyone. Especially, somone like Keenan.

But Keenan isn't who Selena thinks he is. Keenan has his own guilt. After being involved in a horrible accident that took away someone he cared for and loved, he blames himself for it. So, he tries to help others in order to feel he's worth something.

When Selena and Keenan meet, they both know that they have to acknowledge the past and let it go so they can move forward. But can they really?

I really, really liked this book. I loved Keenan though. He was selfless and all he wanted was to see Selena smile again. He wants to show her that she's beautiful and to help her accept the past and move on. What he doen't count though, is him falling for her. Their relationship was amazing. They both had to live with so much pain and that made them stronger.

Under the moon is such a touching and emotional story. The characters were great, the story was incredible and it had a nice flow.

I totally recommend it!!!

**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

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Sofia T.
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  1. Sounds really good, one of those tug at your heart books! I love the cover!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings


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